School Council

Our School Council meetings are held at least twice a term generally on the third Thursday of the Month.


The members of our school council are:


President: Belinda Hunt 

Treasurer: Kylie McCullagh 

Executive officer: Principal David Newport

Elected Parent Members:

  • Kiley McCullagh
  • Belinda Hunt
  • Sarah Wilson 

DEECD Members:

  •  David Newport
  •  Karen Binks
  •  Steff Nash

Community Members:

  • Val Jarman
  • Jeff Dadds 


2023 Meeting Dates:


Term 1 -  Thursday 16th February 

                Thursday 16th March  (AGM)


Term 2 -  Thursday 11th May
                Thursday 8th June 


Term 3 -   Thursday 20th July 

                 Thursday 17th August 

Term 4 -   Thursday 12th October  
                 Thursday 14th December